Pavitra Walvekar of Kudos Finance: Bridging Financial Literacy Gaps in India’s Multicultural Landscape
According to the 2019 NCFE Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey, only 27% of people in India are financially literate, meaning a large portion of the population lacks the basic knowledge and skills needed to manage their money well. The survey also shows big regional differences: the West Zone has the highest financial literacy rate at 37%, followed by the North-East Zone at 33%. In comparison, the East Zone has the lowest rate at just 20%.
“The numbers are shocking. With only 27% of adults financially literate, it’s clear that we need to start taking this issue seriously," says Pavitra Walvekar. "Financial literacy isn’t just a personal problem—it’s a social one. So, why not start talking about finance at the dinner table?”
Pavitra adds, “I see financial literacy as an essential life skill that often gets overlooked in our education system. While we’re busy learning subjects like algebra and history, skills to manage our own income often fall by the wayside. To me, financial literacy means being able to confidently navigate the world of investments—knowing where to allocate money, understanding different types of investments, and having an idea of what returns to expect.”
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